Natasha Kaweski (MPS IV)

Jun 19, 2024 | Uncategorized

In 1995, siblings Natasha and Damien were diagnosed with the rare genetic condition Morquio Syndrome, also known as Mucopolysaccharidosis IV (MPS IV). This journey has been filled with many challenges, but also incredible accomplishments and personal growth. 

Their path was not easy. Natasha and Damien both required many surgeries over the years to manage the changes that MPS caused, with Damien needing slightly more procedures. Tragically, Damien passed away in 2011 from complications of Morquio. His humour, smile, and desire to ‘conquer the world’ are dearly missed by his loved ones.

In 2010, Natasha faced another daunting challenge when a surgery to decompress vertebrae C1 and C2 did not go as planned, resulting in paraplegia. With tremendous courage and resilience, Natasha adapted to this major life change.

Natasha recently graduated with a BA in Applied Geography, quite an achievement made even more impressive by the fact that it was completed during the Covid-19 pandemic when traditional teaching sessions were disrupted. While she didn’t get official pictures in her cap and gown, Natasha has a treasured photo showing her well-earned graduation medal.

Not only did she go on to complete her university degree, but she now holds down two part-time jobs as well. 

Natasha is now an active member of the spinal cord injury community in addition to the MPS community. Despite the hardships faced, Natasha’s story is one of resilience, hope, and a zest for life. Her journey with Morquio Syndrome has been marked by adaptation, hard work, and a refusal to let challenges define her.

Her incredible spirit shows that while MPS brings great obstacles, building a life of purpose, accomplishment and joy is possible.

We celebrate Natasha’s remarkable achievements and her unwavering spirit.